November 2023

PMI adds ZYN nicotine pouches to its brands by acquiring Swedish Match 

Ready to switch to a new smoke-free and tobacco-free nicotine experience? Time to discover the new addition to the PMI portfolio: ZYN nicotine pouches. Easy to use at your convenience, ZYN is available in different pouch sizes, nicotine levels and unique variants for a whole new nicotine experience. Another step for us in our journey towards a smoke-free world and a fresh take for you on your nicotine moments.

ZYN nicotine pouches become a PMI brand after Swedish Match acquisition

Our ambition at PMI is to move towards a smoke-free future. Together with you. And this goes hand in hand with offering adult smokers a diverse range of nicotine alternatives to cigarettes so that you can enjoy your smoke-free nicotine moments, just the way you like them. 

Following the acquisition of Swedish Match, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of oral smokeless products, PMI is enhancing its product offer with ZYN nicotine pouches. A new type of alternative to cigarettes to address the needs of discerning adult nicotine consumers.

ZYN nicotine pouches: a blend of innovation and tradition

We always go the extra mile to offer you the best. By joining forces with Swedish Match, we went all the way to the roots of Scandinavian know-how. ZYN nicotine pouches are the result of 100 years of Swedish expertise in manufacturing oral nicotine products and of an uncompromising approach to quality.

Crafted from a blend of Swedish ingenuity & tradition, this innovative format is a new option for adult nicotine users to enjoy, not only smoke-free and tobacco-free but also device-free nicotine moments.

Why you might love ZYN nicotine pouches

You may not be familiar with using nicotine pouches. Although nicotine pouches haven’t been around long, they have quickly become very popular in Scandinavia, and ZYN is the number one nicotine pouch brand in America* . So let us run you through the key advantages of this modern way of enjoying nicotine.

Clean and simple

ZYN pouches are a convenient smoke-free and tobacco-free way to enjoy nicotine for adult nicotine users, who would otherwise continue to smoke or use other nicotine products. 

Unlike cigarettes, nicotine pouches are combustion, smoke and ash free for a clean and hassle-free nicotine experience. All you need to do is to place the small, white ZYN nicotine pouch between your upper lip and gum and enjoy your nicotine experience for around 30 minutes

More convenience and less bother to others

You surely don’t want to miss out on any special moments. At home, with friends, at the office, in the car or on the train, nicotine pouches can be used wherever, whenever. With no smoke, no ash, no smoke smell, and no device, they allow you to enjoy a convenient nicotine experience, without needing to go out to smoke, bothering those around you or missing a beat. No more smoke-breaks, only shared moments! 

More about ZYN

* Based on reported US shipment volumes and in-market estimates of ZYN, March 2023

This article is for general information and educational purposes. Some of the information in this article is based on external, third-party sources and we make no representations or warranties of any kind regarding the accuracy, validity or completeness of such information.