Yes. It is also useful to know that the chewing tobacco nicotine content will likely vary, depending on the product and brand.
What Are Nicotine Pouches?
Nicotine pouches are a smoke-free alternative to continued smoking.
A Guide to Nicotine in Smoke-Free Alternatives
Nicotine is an addictive substance that was initially identified within the tobacco plant during the 1820s. Since then, researchers have thoroughly analyzed the chemical – determining that it poses a risk to adult consumers.
PMI adds ZYN nicotine pouches to its brands by acquiring Swedish Match.
Ready to switch to a new smoke-free and tobacco-free nicotine experience? Time to discover the new addition to the PMI portfolio: ZYN nicotine pouches.
Is There Nicotine in Chewing Tobacco?
Yes. It is also useful to know that the chewing tobacco nicotine content will likely vary, depending on the product and brand.
A Guide to Nicotine in Smoke-Free Alternatives
Nicotine is an addictive substance that was initially identified within the tobacco plant during the 1820s. Since then, researchers have thoroughly analyzed the chemical – determining that it poses a risk to adult consumers.
What Are Nicotine Pouches?
Nicotine pouches are a smoke-free alternative to continued smoking.
PMI adds ZYN nicotine pouches to its brands by acquiring Swedish Match.
Ready to switch to a new smoke-free and tobacco-free nicotine experience? Time to discover the new addition to the PMI portfolio: ZYN nicotine pouches.
Please input your birth month and year to confirm that you are an adult 18y/o and a smoker/user of other nicotine products
Are you over 18 years old, a smoker or nicotine product user, and living in the Philippines?
Sorry! This website is intended only for users of nicotine or tobacco products who are over 18 years old and living in the Philippines.
This website contains information about Philip Morris International smoke-free products, which are exclusively for adults in the Philippines who would otherwise continue to smoke or use other nicotine products. Smoke-free products are not an alternative to quitting and are not designed as cessation aids. Smoke-free products are not risk free and provide nicotine, which is addictive. Please visit the Important Information page for additional risk information.
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