ZYN is...

smoke-free nicotine enjoyment.

Discover the new modern way to enjoy nicotine.

Try for FREE

ZYN is...

smoke-free nicotine enjoyment.

Discover the new modern way to enjoy nicotine.

Try for FREE



ZYN is...


Smoke-free & tobacco-free 


Convenient to use


Unique variants in different nicotine levels

Find your ZYN


ZYN dry mini pouches offer you a convenient and satisfying nicotine moment

Shop now

Need help choosing the right nicotine level?

We recommend to start with 3mg nicotine level. Looking for more? 6mg variants are also available. 


Try ZYN nicotine pouches for free*

Order your welcome kit and start your smoke-free journey now.

Try for FREE

*Terms & conditions apply.

Try ZYN nicotine pouches for free*

Order your welcome kit and start your smoke-free journey now.

Try for FREE

*Terms & conditions apply.


How to get your free welcome kit in 4 easy steps

This offer is applicable only to new customers who haven't purchased from ZYN before. Only one welcome kit per new customer.

Click "Try for FREE" below

Add the ZYN welcome kit to your cart

Create your account and submit your order

Start your ZYN journey

ZYN is…
simple to use. 

    Break the seal to open the can.
    Place a ZYN pouch under your lip.
You may experience a tingling sensation.
    Enjoy for around 30 minutes.
    You can dispose of the used pouches in the compartment on the lid.

Get More Support

ZYN is…
simple to use. 

Break the seal to open the can.
Place a ZYN pouch under your lip.
You may experience a tingling sensation.
Enjoy for around 30 minutes.
You can dispose of the used pouches in the compartment on the lid.

ZYN COOL MINT - an open, light blue nicotine pouch can with 2 pouches next to it

News and blog.


Is There Nicotine in Chewing Tobacco?

Yes. It is also useful to know that the chewing tobacco nicotine content will likely vary, depending on the product and brand.


What Are Nicotine Pouches?

Nicotine pouches are a smoke-free alternative to continued smoking.


A Guide to Nicotine in Smoke-Free Alternatives

Nicotine is an addictive substance that was initially identified within the tobacco plant during the 1820s. Since then, researchers have thoroughly analyzed the chemical – determining that it poses a risk to adult consumers.


PMI adds ZYN nicotine pouches to its brands by acquiring Swedish Match.

Ready to switch to a new smoke-free and tobacco-free nicotine experience? Time to discover the new addition to the PMI portfolio: ZYN nicotine pouches.


Is There Nicotine in Chewing Tobacco?

Yes. It is also useful to know that the chewing tobacco nicotine content will likely vary, depending on the product and brand.


A Guide to Nicotine in Smoke-Free Alternatives

Nicotine is an addictive substance that was initially identified within the tobacco plant during the 1820s. Since then, researchers have thoroughly analyzed the chemical – determining that it poses a risk to adult consumers.


What Are Nicotine Pouches?

Nicotine pouches are a smoke-free alternative to continued smoking.


PMI adds ZYN nicotine pouches to its brands by acquiring Swedish Match.

Ready to switch to a new smoke-free and tobacco-free nicotine experience? Time to discover the new addition to the PMI portfolio: ZYN nicotine pouches.

Required Permits

View the required government certificates and approvals for ZYN products

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